Back to Basics…
It was after almost a gap of 7 years that I climbed in the local train at morning rush hour.
For office work I came to Mumbai with a never before opportunity to stay for around 15days. Initial plan was to stay at home and make trips to client office from there.
Obviously I landed in Mumbai on the weekend. Intention was clear… a weekend at home after 3 months.
After rest of additional one day... I set out for the office on Tuesday. I came to platform at around 8 15 am. After ticket and all I was at platform 4 waiting for the8 24 train…. I remember, we used to take same train to attend a 10 00 lecture at college.
The train entered the platform and I jumped as usual…. The only diff was that earlier I used to enter first class….this time it was second class. It didn’t make any difference anyway… I jumped inside the train as it approached the plat form… nothing had really changed as far as skills were concerned.
As I entered I got the glimpse of changes in the 7 years…. There was no seat available... not even fourth seat. I had to stand…the only relief was that I was standing in the area between seats.
Soon that relief was gone. Rush began to increase… by mistake I had entered through the door that was just after the ladies coach and the first class compartment. So obviously the rush was more… as the rush begin to set in… as expected we were pushed more an more inside… then I realized one change… my ability to withstand rush pressure had gone down. I was exhausted by the time the train reached Andheri and the rush reduced.
I was to go to Lower Parel. But the by the time I got down at Dadar to change train, I was really not willing to enter the train again. It was only after my contact person from client office made me realize that the train was still the fastest way to reach the office in time that I headed back for the slow train platform.
In the end when I reached office…. I was feeling more exhausted than I would have felt after whole day of working at office.
From next day onwards I shifted to the company guest house at Santa Cruz. After that I made a few travels from Virar to Lower Parel but every time I got bored of it. I think this experience will definitely have impact on my plans for settling down in Mumbai.
Even work wise it was too hectic…I soon realized that if after a job switch to Mumbai also, if these are my office timings then it will have bad impact on my personal life.
Snap Of Sower Parel Station At around midnight...
Deepa’s office was hardly 20-25 mins from my office by taxi and still I could manage to meet her only once in her office… Parag also works at ITC Hotel which is again nearby... I could not meet him also. I think its time to think about my working habits too….