Sunday, January 20, 2008

I have learned...

The period since last November has provided me with a lot of learning experiences… not in a good way really but still they have made me a little stronger… added a little more confidence…a little more value…. Personally as well as professionally.

My first job switch… first separation process has taught me a lot. I has promised something to my new employer based on the word of my immediate superiors. And when the time came for action… the higher ones refused point blank. Even option of buyout was refused.
All pleadings… begging went in vain….finally frustrated, I threatened to go on leave if I was not paid attention to. That time I was told in plain words that I will not be released as expected... when I escalated to still higher authorities… the HR simply called up to threaten in indirect words…everyone took side of the manager who refused to release me.

I had to stay back as I was contractually bound. My new employer was not ready to wait and revoked the offer they had made to me. May be my superiors had expected to retain me back by making me loose the opportunity. But by the time all this happened…. I had lost my interest…enthusiasm…willingness to work….goodwill and all…. I still pressed ahead with resignation and found another job…..
Now hopefully I will join there once this last torture tenure here is over in a few days.
I still think that even this time it is my right to get released… I still will have to fight for it. I think I will start that off tomorrow……

I have learned a lot of things during this three month long episode….

I Have learned that word of your immediate boss need not be honored by the higher ones. One should think twice before going ahead` based on word of immediate superiors…

I have learned that no matter how much hard work you put in your job… ultimately your extra work may be taken for granted.

I have learned that one should not really trust on what the logo or the advertise says… no matter how much one may be claiming to be driven by values…. It does not mean that they will actually follow that when it matters…

I have learned that If you work beyond your stipulated duty… management will not value that. No one will care for you in the end…

I have learned that a good employee so far “automatically” becomes undisciplined… ill mannered etc... the moment he put down his papers….

I have learned that a good way to curb attrition in your organization is to try to trouble and screw up as much as you can when an employee plans to leave the organization.

I have learned that not paying attention to an employee when it is needed is an easy way to make them frustrated.

I have learned that in order to get the top management think about you, you really need to talk about some drastic measures…. That too with much senior people in loop….
That way it will also attract some attention from otherwise non-attending HR people…
They will then call you up only to give some indirect threats…. And then justify their decision to screw up your career….

I have learned that quitting a job may not be as easy as it looks. You never know when all the goody goody talks’ turns into negative actions…that look towards retaining you back by making sure that you loose the opportunity….

I have also learned that if you have enough talent there is no dearth of jobs… even if one is lost you can easily get another one within a few days…

I have learned that in order to keep afloat in the competition you need to keep adding constantly some value to yourself.

More importantly I have learned what not to do with my subordinates when I will step into similar role few years down the line…. May be this was god’s way of preparing me for a higher role.

As I have always believed…. Whatever happens... happens for good…. Only time will tell what that good point is….

Friday, January 11, 2008

I am back !!!

I am back!!!
Back in India...
Back in Mumbai...
Back to my family... friends...
Back to my love...

Life has begun to rock n roll...
Ever since I am back from HongKong life has become like a roller coaster.
It is hardly a month, but already a lot of ups and downs... high and low...
A lot to write about... in fact major events...On the professional front... on the personal front... transition into a new phase of life.... a new phase of career... new horizons.... new opportunities....
it's so exciting...

This December has really been a happening month in all sense.
I sometimes feel it is because i suddenly got exposed to all this after a long stagnant period. it is very much like what happens when after staying in dark for a some time, we all of a sudden see bright light.

After nearly being isolated socially for around 10 months, all of a sudden i found myself surrounded by my loved ones. One can easily have a look at my posts from February till December... number of posts as well as content of posts... they all speak the same story... story of a workaholic person...who had nearly isolated himself from anything that was not related to his work... even people !!!

I felt this strongly when i attended a local sports event on weekend. i was really feeling uncomfortable for a few hours initially. It was strange feeling of being among so many people where many of them recognised me.

After initial disappointment disappointment over loss of good opportunities...and subsequent treatments i got from my company... there began a real good time.

Once the date of engagement was finalised.. and shopping etc began, before i realised anything; it was 30 Dec already!!

The main reason behind this was that me n Deepa , both were busy trying to catch up for "lost 10 months" of courtship..... So we made sure that we did not miss a single opportunity of being together... may it be shopping... or visiting to Siddhivinayak temple... or meeting each others relatives... or simply roaming around together.... all these activities were as much for the cause of being together as they were for the original intended purpose....

Along with all these major things in between there were some small but sweet events like party for Kapil's new job at Hyderabad. we met after almost two years.
Then there was another function for celebrating my sister Hansini's third wedding anniversary.

On the 30th of Dec came up the big event of my engagement with Deepa. This was something that was being planned for almost past 6 months but was getting postponed because of my unavailability at home. Once the function was over then on the next day we celebrated 31st at home with family. This too was my first celebrated at home after a long time.

Not one or two... many events packed in such a short time span...
and as a result...
I am back...
back into life....
and back on blogger too......!!!

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