Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap … From Pakistan to Talibanistaan…
Recently read a news in Times of India... that Taliban controlled areas are now closer to Indian border than Mumbai to Goa…
The accompanying image was too bad….

I felt sorry for the people in the region….
But then they are facing the consequences of their own actions. For many years now Pakistan has been using this terrorism As a means of proxy war against India whom they cannot defeat in the conventional warfare…
They also allowed a lot of terrorist organizations to flourish… gave shelter to Indian gangsters like Dawood Ibrahim…. And so on…
There is a saying something like one rotten fruit in the basket soon affects all others…
Here Pakistan has collected too many rotten potato’s into it’s basket….
It was just a matter of time before other fruits were spoiled…
Now all the rotten fruits are stinking and Pakistan is on it’s way towards becoming a terrorist shit….
There is story in Hindu Mythology about a devil called “Bhasmasur”
Story goes that the Bhasmasur was a devotee of lord Shiva… he performed great penance to get a boon from Lord Shiva…
When pleased lord asked him for his wish… he asked for a boon that whenever he put hi hand on someone’s head, that person should turn into ashes…
Without thinking.. the lord granted his wish…. And Bhasmasur started troubling everyone….
When people asked lord Shiva to intervene…. The Bhasmasur threatened to put his hand over the head of the lord himself.
the terrorist Bhasmasur created by Pakistan… is now threatening to put his hand over its creator….
But in the original story lord Shiva was saved by Lord Vishnu who took the form of Mohini .. A beautiful woman and lured Bhasmasur to put his hand over his own head….
There does not seem to be anyone who could save Pakistan….
The transformation of Pakistan into Talibanistaan now looks imminent….
The country that created and used terrorism as a state policy…. Is falling victim to its own creation….
Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap - Bible, Galatians vi. 7.
I think soon there will be no trace of Pakistan that once used to be enemy of India…
There will be a country full of terrorists… who will treat entire world as their enemy….
India will suffer most just because it happen to be the next door neighborhood …. And not because of old rivalry…
When I think of this…. A picture of a place full of worms….
Similar to the one seen in the end of the Movie The Mummy Returns…into which Imhotep finally falls….
Or the one seen in the movie Aliens where all the alien creatures breed….
I really feel sorry for all those peace loving souls in Pakistan (No matter how small in number they are…)