King for 2 days.... part 2 - Grihasthashrama....
it's about 3 months now....
the celebrations are's time to get on with life....
Start of so called "Grihasthashrama".
The "Pink Days" have began.. ;-)
Also now it is time to take a look at the ground realities and change course accordingly.
Time to better understand all other members from each others family...
Time to set up the nest....
Time to work hard to turn the dreams seen together into reality....
Time to take a fresh look at everything...
Of course there is nothing new in this.... for generations people have been going through this...
but still it is a fresh experience for the couple that go through doubt we have a lot of people around to help us... and ensure a smooth sailing.
I feel much like the time when you go first time in school... or first day in college....
Full of hope... confident and at the same time worried about what's in store in future....
Now i am no more responsible for only my life... it's me and Deepa "two in one" now...
This has changed everything... right from the way i think....
It's a sort of worrying stuff... will i bw able to discharge all my responsibilities correctly? will i be aqble to manage all the expectations?
Will i be able to deliver good on all the new relations?
Will i be a good son in law? will i be a good brother in law?
Because even the basic relation of "son" now has taken a new meaning now.
Never before this have I experienced so many changes and challenges together in my life.
I am no more expected to be dependent on my parents for daily decisions... I am expected to be able to make decisions for my family.
but somehow i think all my ancestors would have gone through this process.... they also must have overcome all these apprehensions
If they could do it.. so will I...
I am just setting off from harbor... weather looks fair... I shall go ahead with confidence...
I definitely believe I have the capability to navigate through stormy weather if I come across it... My ship's hull is made of our love... it is powered by our common sense and understanding,
equipped with all the advanced warning system from our parents about possible storm zones....
I feel it is strong enough to make us bear it shall we come across any storms...
It again comes to same exam analogy... if so many people clear it .. so will I...
Having graduated from "Brahmacharya".... I feel i am entering a new
school called "Grihasthashrama"...
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