Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why the tiger became cat...

Just read editorial in Saamna…
So painful….

Not only the words but more importantly for the person who wrote them…
The article itself was telling the root causes for failure of Sena…

It says… “Marathi people betrayed ShivSena”

More important than the sentence is the mindset that exposes…

It means that the Sena always took marathi people for granted…..

Yes… ShivSena did a lot for marathi people especially in Mumbai…

But does not mean that it can take people for granted…

Existence of ShivSena is because of Marathi people and not vice versa….

This is time for introspection and not for blame game… and certainly not time to blame the voters…
Voters “Donate” their vote…and the candidates being recipient are at a lower level….
A recipient can not blame a donor for not donating to him.
He needs to think why the donor found him not worthy of donation.

The article also says that people elected some new candidates for ShivSena….

This clearly indicates that people are not fool and they voted for the candidates they found suitable for their constituency.

So the question is why the old candidates’ failed and fresh candidates got elected?

ShivSena is definitely not the same old one…. The article talks about what Sena did in past 44 years…. But unfortunately what matters is what it does today…

In fact why there is need to refer to the past? Is it because there is no present achievement to refer to? If past was only the reason for vote then the congress would have perpetually remained in power because the party did so much for the independence in the past.

It is not that Marathi people who betrayed the Sena… but in all probability it is that the Sena failed to meet the expectations of the people. When in power… there was no difference felt in the way Sena ruled and in the way congress ruled… the system moved ahead on it’s own inertia….

I remember a story here… not sure how relevant….

The one from Aesop…

A Fox after crossing a river got its tail entangled in a bush,
and could not move. A number of Mosquitoes seeing its plight
settled upon it and enjoyed a good meal undisturbed by its tail.

A hedgehog strolling by took pity upon the Fox and went up to him:
"You are in a bad way, neighbor," said the hedgehog; "shall I
relieve you by driving off those Mosquitoes who are sucking your

"Thank you, Master Hedgehog," said the Fox, "but I would rather not."
"Why, how is that?" asked the hedgehog.
"Well, you see," was the answer, "these Mosquitoes have had their fill;
if you drive these away, others will come with fresh
appetite and bleed me to death."

May be that’s what people thought….

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