Saturday, November 18, 2006

A month full of twists n turns…

It’s almost a month since I left for home for Diwali…

This one month has been so far the most eventful period in recent past.
Well… it is not so much about Diwali celebrations…. But about the other events during Diwali and days that followed.

The day I reached… next morning I got two bad news… my uncle was hospitalized because of mild heart attack… and one uncle expired…. both on same day…

So effectively there was nothing to celebrate about Diwali. I was regularly visiting the hospital to look after my uncle. That was first time in my life that I spent a whole night in a hospital. Since someone was always required to be present at hospital, me, my father, and aunt we all used to stay in shifts. That was a totally different experience for me.

Those visits had other things in store…. Something that was about to become a major turning point in my life…

My friend’s office was nearby the hospital. We used to meet every time either before start of my “shift” or after it were over. Those visits have come a long way in just a month…
I ended up proposing to her…

After I returned to Bangalore… there was another twist…

One day I saw a mail asking for referrals… the requirements were for our Pune Development center. I had a long pending with of transfer to Pune. I immediately send mail to higher ups asking to consider me first for the positions in Pune before any recruitment happens.

My wish was immediately granted. And movements began as to decide which team to move into and all.

The bosses here wanted to hold me back for some more time… and bosses at Pune wanted me to join at Pune at the earliest.

It was almost on the verge of completion…I was almost sure that I will be in Pune by year end…

Then I got another offer from my bosses…

There was a new implementation project coming up at Hong Kong… They wanted me to join that team as a team leader.

I wanted to go for this assignment… This was going to be my first independent assignment as a team leader….
but at the same time I did not want to loose this Pune opportunity. I told so to my boss. He too agreed…that after I finish off this assignment I will continue with my Pune relocation.

And here I am... traveling to Hong Kong next month… everything happened just within a month… certainly one of the most eventful months…

Things have taken twists and turns so fast that even though it is less than a month since I came back from home… I feel too much of time has elapsed…

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the various achievements at office and life. still hoping that that does not effect your plans for the 14th of december.


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