Friday, August 05, 2011

My digital problem

Just installed Ubuntu 11.4 shall test it for a few days and then move on from 10.4...

While burning the ISO to CD i thought how fast this technology changes. A new version every now and then. You have to keep upgrading or risk being obsolete.

This is not much of a problem as far as upgrade of OS is concerned... but a serious problem when it comes to storage media :-(
Today I was able to write to a CD ... but will I be able to do it 10 years down the line? I may not be. Forget writing...will i be able to read my existing CDs?
Even that is doubtful with advent of blue ray technology.
A am already unable to read old floppy disks from my college days.

Analog stuff has got advantages here for its all open to see...understand and reconstruct.

If We can find 1000 year old book...we can still read it if we know the language. In case we are unable to understand then still we can keep it till discovery of some Rosetta stone that will help us understand the content. But the content itself is not gone.
Now imagine if a CD or DVD from today's age is somehow found a 1000 years later... will the content be there? I doubt. Now even if it is there, it is not in human readable format. So practically it is as good as lost. Only that knowledge will survive which someone bothered to transfer from one storage type to another as the older types become obsolete...
Another thing is the life of storage.
CD has its own lifespan due to its chemical composition. All the magnetic storages too have limited life for retaining content. I guess around 20-30 years... but that is too short of lifespan when compared to human history.

Another point is that all these magnetic storages are again vulnerable to electromagnetic pulse bombs...single bomb can make all the electronic devices in the area useless by coping out any instructions / data stored in magnetic storage
Internet seem to be one answer but again that is based on same electronic components...and so in my opinion subject to same risks...

My question is simple...will it be able to survive data for a thousand years...that too in a way that can be read and attempted to be interpreted by the inhabitants of this planet.....? :-)

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